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Work from Home

Haley Selen

Updated: Apr 26, 2020

Transitioning parts of my job to a work-from-home style has come with plenty of challenges. But on a sunny, 60 degree spring day, I didn't find myself missing the office. I gathered a handful of tools, settled into a bright spot on my deck, and began crafting spare raptor equipment.

Our education birds wear straps, called jesses, on their legs that act like the leash you might use with your dog. Whenever the birds come outside, I make sure their jesses are secure under my thumb so they can't fly off if they get spooked.

Some of this equipment is cut from leather. For Carson, our Red-tailed Hawk, I prefer the durability of paracord. From threading to braiding to burning, it made for a lovely afternoon in the sun and the chance to finish an important project that normally gets pushed to the back burner.

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