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Haley Selen

"How do you make a snake poop?" may sound like a third-grader's set-up for a silly joke. But when I typed this question into Google, I wasn't looking for a punchline. I was hoping to find a treatment.

Our rat snake, Emory, typically has a very regular digestive process. She eats a mouse on Saturday and it passes through by Wednesday or Thursday. But when I noticed that we hadn't found any poop in her habitat for several weeks, I began to get worried.

Snake constipation can be caused by impaction, a potentially serious blockage in the intestines that requires veterinary intervention. But an informative website recommended starting with a simple bath. Warm water can loosen anything that is stuck and make it easier for the snake to clear out her system.

I was a little skeptical, but followed the instructions for making an inch-deep bath of water at 85 degrees F. I gently set Emory in the container and set the timer for 15 minutes.

I kept a careful eye on her as she moved around the bath, curious if anything would happen. Then after six minutes Emory raised her tail and released a load into the water. I had never been so excited to see snake poop! It wasn't very enjoyable to clean up, but I was relieved that this simple solution solved a simple problem.

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