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Meet the Ambassadors: Scuba

Haley Selen

Scuba arrived at the Museum in October 2013.

The "Most Ferocious Animal at the Museum" award might go to one of our smallest residents. Scuba the Tiger Salamander may not have stripes, but he is as dangerous a predator as the large cat his species is named after.

Scuba is known for scurrying out from under his rock when he sees movement at his habitat window, hoping for a delectable snack. His first course consists of one or two red worms, locally sourced from the composting bin in my office. Then comes dessert in the form of wriggling mealworms. He strikes quickly, clamping down on the worm and tossing it back in one gulp. Sometimes he gets so eager tracking down his worms that we have to put up a barrier so he doesn't walk right out of his habitat!

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