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Haley Selen

With a pet rabbit at home, I always have a supply of lettuce in the fridge. Wally finishes off the best leafy parts and the base of the head needs to be dealt with. Sometimes it goes straight into my compost pile. Sometimes I trim the leaves short and prop the head in a bowl of water, hoping that it will sprout a few more leaves. But most often, the head comes into work with me.

Carson the Red-tailed Hawk loves to shred anything: rope, newspaper, and even lettuce heads. I drop of the head on a perch and the next morning, it seems to have vanished. A few shreds of lettuce are scattered on the perch and the ground. But I am always mystified: where did the rest of the head disappear to?


Just for fun, here's my little lettuce-eater, Wally, with his birthday cake last week.


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