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Cleaning Treasures

Haley Selen

Once a week the raptor mews require a thorough cleaning. In addition to the expected mutes (the technical term for bird poop), there is always an array of feathers, newspaper pieces, and leftover food that needs to be picked up. It can be a dirty job, but I often find something interesting, amusing, or mysterious.

This week's treasure came in the form of a mystery. I found this hard plate with a scale-like texture in Carson the Red-tailed Hawk's enclosure. Where could it have come from? Take a guess before reading more!

The mysterious object measures 1 1/4 inches long.

This one stumped me so I went to the experts at The Raptor Center. At our last vet visit, I pulled this strange item out of my pocket and the naturalist gave me a knowing smile right away. She recognized it as a hawk's leg scales. Apparently it is especially common for Red-tailed Hawks to develop thicker, callus-like skin under the leather anklets they wear on their legs. Every once in a while, the callus sloughs off in one piece, holding the shape of the leg's protective scales.

I love these moments that spark a sense of awe and appreciation for these birds. While caring for animals isn't always glamorous, getting my hands dirty is worth the opportunity to learn about these animals in a way that I could never understand by watching from a distance.

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