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Aldo Visits Crex Meadows

Haley Selen
Aldo at Crex Meadows.JPG

Last weekend I loaded up the Museum van with biofacts, 30 pounds of rocks, and our American Kestrel, Aldo. Our road trip landed us at the Crex Meadows State Wildlife Area near Grantsburg, Wisconsin. We unloaded program supplies at the visitor center and taught a group of families about the importance of raptors for the annual Fall Wildlife Festival. After our job was done, I decided to take a little detour on the way home.

I steered the van down a familiar road and up a short, steep hill. The view of Phantom Lake was revealed at the top of the ridge. Continuing along the dirt road, the lake stretched out on to the right and golden meadow grasses waved in the wind to my left. I pulled over where a handful of American Coots paddled between grasses on the edge of the lake.

I brought Aldo out of his crate and into the strong wind blowing across the meadows. He was nearly blown off my glove in the sudden gale and we moved to the protected leeward side of the van. He bobbed his head repeatedly, checking out the new surroundings. A coot sprinted forward, splashing, and Aldo focused his attention on the black waterfowl and its brilliant white bill.  I listened to sandhill cranes bugling in the distance while Aldo turned his head to preen, a sign that he enjoyed this place as much as I did.


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