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A Good Laugh

Haley Selen

As I finish another busy week of teaching MuseumMobile classes in schools, I remember that sometimes I just need a break and a good laugh. These two links have been open tabs on my phone’s internet browser for several years, ready to open whenever I need a chuckle.

The first requires a bit of explanation. Back in 2016, a rare Ivory Gull was spotted in Duluth. This species is hardly ever seen in the lower 48, so birders across the country were flocking to Duluth, planning road trips and booking flights, to add the gull to their life list. Then someone posted a photo of the bird's remains, presumably after being attacked by a predator. Birders that hadn't seen the gull yet, including me, were crushed.

But then another photo surfaced: a second Ivory Gull (alive) in Duluth! This blog post from BirdChick accurately documents the whole saga through humorous memes. (And yes, I did get to see the second bird, the most gorgeous gull I'd ever seen!)

My view of the Ivory Gull in Duluth on January 7, 2016.

My second humorous link always makes me smile for the very simple fact that birds are not always majestic. When I just need something goofy, I pull up the Osprey Face Plant.

I hope a bird can put a smile on your face today!

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