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Zero Percent

Haley Selen

One thing I love about the animal care community – from bird trainers to zoo keepers – is the ability to find delight in small, peculiar aspects of the daily routine. I practically jump for joy when I cut a piece of rat that weighs 100 grams, the exact meal size for Carson the Red-tailed Hawk. On a really good day, I once prepared food for 10 birds using a single, perfectly portioned chunk for each one.

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I tested my precision again this week while ordering food for the birds. The website has a handy tool showing how much space is left in the shipping box. I pay close attention to this number because frozen meat is expensive to ship and I want to fill the box as efficiently as possible. I usually end up with 2% or 3% free space in the box, not enough  for another bag of mice or quail. But this time I was excited to completely fill the box with exactly 0% of free space. How exciting! (Like I said, it’s the little things that brighten an animal keeper’s day!)

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Want to support Aldo and Carson this holiday? Consider making a donation to provide their next meal!

  1. $25 would cover 2 months’ worth of Quail

  2. $100 would cover 100 mice

  3. $250 would cover a whole box of mice, rats, quail, and chicken


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