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New Herp Homes

Haley Selen

As the KidZibits team packed up their tools last Saturday, we soaked in the impressive new Curiosity Center they had just completed. I couldn't start celebrating yet, though. Three dark cabinets sat under the two-story tree, waiting for their new residents.

I quickly got to work cleaning windows, installing heat lamps, and adding bedding to each cabinet. I spread damp coconut fiber in the smallest cabinet, perfect for keeping Scuba the salamander from drying out. After adding his favorite rock and fresh water, Scuba was the first to try out his new digs. He took a dip in the water and did a lap before settling back into his usual hiding spot. (Click the photos to see a larger image.)

Scuba's neighbor was next. A thick layer of aspen bedding went in first to provide Digger the hognose snake plenty of digging opportunities. I checked the temperature under the heat lamp to make sure it was just right - not too hot or too cold - at 85 degrees and set Digger carefully inside. She preferred to stay inside her cozy humidity box for a few days, but eventually ventured out to explore with her tongue flicking constantly.

Finally I turned to the winter corner of the exhibit and set up an unseasonably warm enclosure with bright green foliage. Emory's two-story enclosure has more vertical space to do what she does best. Rat snakes are agile climbers and Emory quickly found her way up the branch to access her new vantage point. She even decided to eat a mouse after settling in, a sure sign that she is comfortable and has everything she needs in this new space.

I don't know what a happy snake looks like, or if reptiles even experience such emotions. But I think it's safe to say that they are enjoying their new homes as much as I am!

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