A blanket of snow covered the mews after last weekend’s hefty snowstorm. Even Aldo’s mew, where the skylight is covered for the winter, had a dusting thanks to the strong winds carrying a taste of the blizzard inside. Carson and Theo got the full force of the storm through their open skylights. I saw footprints on the ground and ramp in Theo’s mew; in typical owl fashion, he didn’t seem to mind. Carson the Red-tailed Hawk chose to stay elevated on perches. Her snow piles remained untouched until I swept the ramp clear with my mitten. I wondered what she was thinking as I took this photo.
She might share the same attitude as most people that spent the April weekend shoveling. “Are you kidding me?”
Or does she appreciate the snowfall as a magnificent form of enrichment? “Isn’t this interesting!”
Or, perhaps more likely, she thought of more pressing matters. “So, when will my food be delivered?”
