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Haley Selen
Aldo checking bee cabinet.JPG

Like parents try to share their interests with their children, I tried to introduce Aldo to my latest fascination: the solitary bee cabinet in front of the Museum.

While researching for our Bee Amazed! exhibit, I realized that I only knew about European honey bees: the colony-nesting bees that dance to communicate and stash large amounts of honey. I soon found out that honey bees have a rather rare lifestyle in the world of bees.

Most native bees in Wisconsin are solitary and many of them nest in tunnels above ground. The female bee works hard to collect materials to line the nest, supply the tunnel with pollen, and lay her eggs. Once she seals the tunnel, her job is done. The baby bees are on their own to eat pollen and transform into adults.

I’ve found it amazing to witness a mason bee nest right outside the Museum. But Aldo only seemed mildly amused by the big yellow cabinet. Just like I never picked up an interest in aerospace technology from my dad, Aldo doesn’t seem to share my fascination with native bees.


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